Kl50. The Story Of Sudama Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kl50. The Story Of Sudama


A friend of Lord Krishna,
A Brahmin by name Sudama,
Had a big family to maintain,
Found no source to sustain.

"Krishna, your boyhood friend,
Not at all would He mind,
For our children what they need,
Surely He'll give their daily feed."

This way his wife persuaded daily,
But how to meet Krishna simply,
To Offer, he had nothing to carry.
Lo, poverty caused him this worry.

His wife took some pains,
From three-handful of grains,
Some chipped rice she made,
And in his towel up she tied.

The distance all the way,
Miles and miles long away,
For days Sudama walked,
On his bare foot he trekked.

He reached the destination,
Stood at the gate in hesitation,
Felt shy to enter the palace,
Well guarded at every place.

Krishna saw him at the gate,
Ran towards him to invite,
Took him inside to His seat,
And washed his tired feet.

Sudama saw the Lord's kindness,
Speechless he was out of shyness,
How before Krishna's richness,
He could exhibit his poorness?

Krishna who was so informal,
Asked what was in the bundle,
That His old friend had brought,
He then pulled it and caught.

The chipped rice one-handful,
The Lord ate, it was tasteful.
Before he took the next morsel,
Sudama's home turned rich well.

Krishna's hand Rukmini held,
While richness further swelled
In Sudama's house far away,
What he sought never any way.

Wealth Sudama never sought,
But Krishna's mercy when he got,
For his devotion to the Lord,
It made him rich unasked.

Whatever offered in devotion,
From Krishna's merciful vision,
Be it a leaf, a fruit or water a little,
It is great, its value immaterial.

For material benefit never pray,
But for His mercy always pray,
Your respects with love you pay
Worship Him daily this way.

What you want Krishna knows,
Before you ask he always gives,
Every creation he deeply loves,
Sure, He answers all our prayers.

Thursday, March 22, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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