Kms039. Pilgrimage To Kasi-Part 5 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kms039. Pilgrimage To Kasi-Part 5


It was too hot in Vindhya Pradaesh
To go by walk during day time,
So, they stayed during day in tents
And walked 25 KMs during nights.

As he didn't like to give pains
To the men carrying palanquin,
He also walked with them,
All the distance sometime.

As he knew many languages,
He spoke to the local residents
In their native language fluently,
And they helped him happily.

Though the pilgrimage to Kasi
Was, in those days, not so easy,
He had to manage with them,
Who volunteered to help him.

Several advantages were there,
In that he created an atmosphere,
Stressing the religious importance,
By doing pujas in their presence.

More often his simple lectures
Penetrated deeply into their minds,
So, en-route to Kasi by walk,
It helped him, on religion, to talk.

Throughout Barath, his travels,
Brought a change among people,
To bring their attention to learn,
The essence of Hindu Religion.

He didn't care for the hardships,
On the way, that was strenuous,
As he had the strength to face
All those troubles with ease.

As the spiritual Head of a Mutt,
In this manner he had to meet
Many people almost every day,
To lead them in the spiritual way.

His life was full of such events,
That cannot be written in words,
As each one set a living example
To be followed by all the people.

Friday, May 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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