Kms047. Religious And Social Events Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kms047. Religious And Social Events


Maha Swami on the religious side,
He tried his best always to spread
The ways of Dharma, far and wide,
And himself as an example he lived.

He visited various temples
And encouraged all devotees,
To pursue the spiritual path,
And keep on God their faith.

He urged young children to recite,
Tirupavai and Tiruvembavai songs
In all the Vishnu and Siva Temples,
To seek the unity of both communities.

Lord Siva performs often dances,
While Vishnu is in Yoga always,
But for realized devotees they find,
Both have the same truth behind.

They are worshiped simultaneously
As Sankaranarayanan religiously,
Though they are two in one name,
That brings all devotees no harm.

During the year 1952, an invitation
To discuss on the Hindu Religion,
Came from the Head of Aadheenam,
From the famous Town Dharmapuram.

They discussed for three days
On their future religious duties
How to develop people's minds
To have their faith in God always?

They sent similar circulars
To all the Eastern countries
Like Lanka, Burma, Malaysia,
To encourage their boys and girls.

On the social side, he urged devotees,
To clean up all the tanks of Temples,
And saw that public services they did,
As service to people is service to God.

For the dead bodies unclaimed,
In the year 1953, he instructed
His devotees to come forward
To do the last rites of the dead.

Such a noble minded he was,
He lived for full hundred years,
To serve the suffering mankind,
Just as his devoted services to God.

Saturday, May 25, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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