Krill Oil Poem by Herbert Nehrlich

Krill Oil

Fish oil is not the proper oil
to get omega-3 my friend,
today, the air, the sea, the soil
have somewhat gone around the bend.
While it is true we get too little
and of the other one too much,
however, reaching an acquittal
is quite impossible as such.

The oceans have been prostituted
by lack of foresight and of greed,
most of the water, now polluted
is barely capable indeed
to feed the fishes big and small,
none take too kindly to the fact
that poisons now have, overall,
performed their death defying act
and occupied the normal chain
that feeds the plankton to the shrimp
and lets the raging sea sustain
all life. Today that life is limp.

As little fish is swallowed whole
it brings its toxic baggage too,
and further up, this innate role
goes up the ladder, thitherto,
but it gets worse, each passing year
more garbage finds its sneaky way,
though only few express their fear
that soon, all living creatures may
just simply dropp and slowly sink
to die and fertilise the ground,
the mighty sea is on the brink
of closing the old battleground.

So, wait no more and join the club,
stand up for Nature, do it soon,
and when at last you reach that hub
look up and smile to the old Moon,
who knows what man will do, who knows....

Time is related to the tide,
and as the last green cabbage grows
you wander to the waterside
and cry from hunger and from shame,
into the sea your tears will fall.
And man, whose arrogance did tame
the earth, the skies and nearly all....
The force of all, combined in peace
which he could possibly apply....
I told this story to my niece
she said: 'We all would have to cry.'


As to the subject matter, if you feel
the need for omega-3 essential fatty acids,
use Krill oil. It comes from unpolluted
waters near the poles.

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