Lacking Communication Poem by April Michelle

Lacking Communication

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If I send you a message, call you, text you, or email you asking you a question or whatever the case may be and you read it but simply do not respond, I am probably not going to contact you again. If I am interested in talking to you, for whatever reason, I may write a second message. There almost certainly will not be a third.

I get it. I understand. It is human nature. Sometimes, there are people you do not want to talk to. I am not dense. Nor will I ever be. If you want to talk to someone and you are interested in hearing what they have to say or care what they think about you, you are going to respond back. That is how it works. That is how a 'conversation' happens. I'm not talking about the time where you have been exchanging 14 messages with a person and eventually one of you does not write back. I am talking about ME writing YOU a message, YOU reading it, and YOU choosing not to hit reply. I have too much pride to chase. I hate that lack of confidence... I know... everyone likes to be pursued, and maybe you have women/men throwing themselves at you constantly, but don't expect it from me. I have no problem extending my hand first and saying hello, but I will be damned if I am going to leave it up after you slapped it with an 'I don't care' attitude. The best I can offer you is an honest attempt to meet half way, and not an inch more. I am done with putting myself out there and being burned. Everyone is.

However, I'm not saying you should write back the instant I try to contact you. Like me, you are probably busy and I can understand that. I am not saying write me a novel either... if you don't have time to talk to me, do me the courtesy of writing me and saying so. For you doing this... would not bother me at all. In any case, whenever you DO read the message, do not expect to ignore me and keep me interested. I can think of few things I dislike more in this world than being ignored. It's not something I am willing to tolerate. It is simply a sign of rudeness. If you ignore me, there is a reason, and I get it. I will act accordingly.

You are probably saying... 'Hey, April, weren't you just talking about people not getting mad if you don't have time for them? ' Yes, yes I was. However, if you know me, you know two things…

a) I've always made an honest attempt to respond to messages, shoot a text back, and return phone calls. Nevertheless I respond back, even if it takes me a few hours, days, weeks before I get to them. I cannot promise time-frames, but at least I am polite enough to respond.

b) I'm up-front about when I can communicate and when I cannot. I work a lot, I'm busy... but you know this.

I find it ironic that I took the time to write this because, frankly, whomever it applies to is most certainly not reading this note for their own purpose. So it is all for naught. But that's perfectly okay with me. Life is about politeness, understanding, and doing for others. Is that too far-fetched to understand?

© 2010 April Michelle


~Classic thought with an attitude~ 'I pity people who show attitude to me, 'coz it shows that they need an attitude to impress me'; -)

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