Larger Cosmic Act Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Larger Cosmic Act

All the structures I built are now crumbling,
All grand furnishings I provided, falling,
All decorations I heartily did, sadly failing
And what remains is just a frame, a space,
Where I had plans to raise elegant paradise,
A canvas to paint bliss in myriad lovely colours,
A memory of images far beyond horizons;
Now all rattled, and fading, fallen to pieces,
Dawn passed to noon, now caving in to dusk
On way to irretrievably huge blinding night.

Not that I didn't try to save my ground,
I flustered, floundered, and faught hard
To counter the fall, plug holes and save,
To snuff forces those assail from all sides,
But, human is human, limited by himself;
I hit hard roadblocks within and without
And dreams thinned to air before very eyes
And bright soul in noon enswathed to night;
What remains is my heart drowned in gloom
And struggles to float till call comes to count.

Man dreams and plans and bleeds to build
And struggles to guard his uncertain world;
Alas, he's feeble, mere loose nut and bolt
In the overall buildup of the cosmic plan,
A minute tool to boost what leads him forth;
Rise and fall, nudges both sides, mere fate,
Destined he's to suffer without any cause;
No appeal for his state, no explanation ever,
He's to take all and run with dictated act
Till nature calls him back to motherly womb.

I planned big and raised hopes sky high
To paint my soul with nuances and timbre
I discovered hidden in the soul of pure soul,
That is you, the crystal clear glow of fresh dew
That brings unpolluted freshness of gentle dawn;
You were in my grasp, but alas, all went hot,
Evaporated you, where, alas, I couldn't see,
And I was left forlorn like a child in a wild
In shock and grief, looking far and near
To catch your glimpse and reach back there.

It was golden glow flowing like a river,
It was holy flame in sanctum sanctorum,
It was nectar and ale blended in my soul,
Lighting my spirit to the bliss of both worlds
Of purity, nobility, and sweet indulgences;
I thought heaven merely at my arms stretch
And rejoiced in my luck in having both to us;
Alas, just a blink, and you were not there,
Nowhere, anywhere, without a trace to tread,
No why or how to tell, no reason to explain.

No falls from me, or failings from you;
Like honey and milk, or flowers, fragrance,
We blended in desires, needs and dreams,
Matched in notes, tones, rhythms, rhymes,
Nothing within us ever disrupts our build;
We were brought close, unexplained to us;
We were made to play, souls lashed in to one,
And snatched apart now unexplained to us;
We're mere sports in larger cosmic act,
No grief or pleasure real, mere accidents.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophy,love
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