Leading No Where Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Leading No Where

Rating: 5.0

If holy words are put in verses
It has its own use
In church it becomes prayer
And with same spirit elsewhere

It is product of human mind
That adapts to love of its own kind
The peace for whole of man kind is prayed
The kindness towards poor is showed

“Never hate a neighbor” the legend says
It should never be harbored
He is the first one to be rushed
It should be brought to an end and finished

Compassion should be shown to the poor and needy
This is the clear message from almighty
No religion teaches diversion
We follow differently with lots of confusion

“Treat everyone with respect”
Bring tolerance in dealing with act
Such preaching is almost corner stone
The values stand good and not blown

The whole of world wants to come close
The peace and environment we have choose
Bloodshed and hatred are leading no where
If peace is to be attained here

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 12 April 2014

If holy words are put in verses It has its own use

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 12 April 2014

12 Apr by Neko Kawaii to Leading no where

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 12 April 2014

Shujat Ahmad likes this. Hasmukh Mehta wlcome 2 secs · Unlike · 1

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 12 April 2014

Christ said it better robert bridges3 hours ago A noble thought if we could practice the same.

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 12 April 2014

Like 12 Apr by Neko Kawaii | Reply

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 12 April 2014

From my Soul Like 12 Apr by From my Soul | Reply

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 12 April 2014

Like 12 Apr by From my Soul to Leading no where

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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