Learn Lessons From History To Achieve Prosperity! Poem by Ramesh T A

Learn Lessons From History To Achieve Prosperity!

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Learn Lessons from History ot Achieve Prosperity!

Source of goodness, beauty and truth making Nature glorious and race of people;
This is the way unity in diversity is composed for all and possible among all sure;
Due to lack of understanding this in deed mostly hatred and enmity prevail in the world;
Only by tolerance and cooperation by friendship development to world peace and progress possible!

Due to fault in basic things, it becomes easy for politicians to exploit people and loot national wealth;
Terrorism, enmity and wars are created by selfish politicians to deceive people and stay in power long;
Understanding this drawback, people have to work for unity, friendship and cooperation for happy life;
Without taking such efforts, people's wish will be a distant dream to achieve in the world one day!

Due to wars deadly achievement of progress and civilization is a great waste only;
This hard earned freedom, developments and progress are not an easy joke to achieve again sure;
The goal of making all rich will be spoiled and still more poverty, stricken people will live in tragedy;
From the history of the past, we have to learn to live peaceful life to achieve progress and joyful life!

Only by peace, all cam achieve all, bu never by wars anything can be solved ever;
This is the truth of experience we learn by the faults of history and try to achieve peace for progress!

The goal of making all rich will be spoiled and still more poverty, stricken people will live in tragedy; From the history of the past, we have to learn to live peaceful life to achieve progress and joyful life!
Ramesh T A 31 January 2024

Only by peace, all cam achieve all, bu never by wars anything can be solved ever; This is the truth of experience we learn by the faults of history and try to achieve peace for progress!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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