Legend Says Poem by Randy McClave

Legend Says

Legend says that when you cannot sleep
Even after counting a multitude of sheep,
When your eyes are heavy and so very tired
And rest is truly needed and desired.
Minutes and hours have seemingly passed you by
You're so tired and exhausted you just want to cry,
All your thinking and thoughts you now erase
Sleep is the passion that you want to embrace.
Now every word of yours is followed by a yawn
As a slow erratic breath is slowly drawn,
And all you do is to continually toss and turn
You feel a coldness in bed, and then a burn.
A dream is all that you want to have
You want it rubbed on you like a medicinal salve,
Sleep is all that you're trying to catch
But, the temptation of sleep the sandman is playing fetch.
You keep trying and trying at your very best
But, you still just can't find that needed rest,
You just want and need to go quickly under
You truly need that peaceful and restful slumber.
But, as you toss and turn you remember a story once told
And unto you the story did unfold,
When suddenly you can't catch those sleep beams
Legend says, you're awake in someone else's dreams

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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