Let Literacy And Education Open The Eye To See Reality For Good! Poem by Ramesh T A

Let Literacy And Education Open The Eye To See Reality For Good!

Just economic development by technology and strengthening of
Military power only increase rivalry, hatred and sense of
Domination whether natural resources exploited for greed or
Development, the progress of world does not; ead to peace!

Literacy and education need to be provided having those
Points in view so that morality, discipline, friendship
And love unite all classes of people as one humanity to
Pave the way for sure peace, prosperity, progress, unity!

Knowledge by world class education can enlighten all where
The world has deviated from peace and progress and bring
all to see reality as it is to put an end to hunger, poverty,
Unemployment and save world and humanity from sure disaster!

The international literacy day makes mind to think over real
Problem of world humanity and how to make correction for good!

Ramesh T A 08 September 2020

Fledgling Jen: I agree! I think it's wonderful you have found a way to express your thoughts on these subjects! You are so insightful and I really appreciate the way you try to move conversations forward with your words!

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Deluke Muwanigwa 08 September 2020

True true. Good poem. Thats what i think. If we tsught our kids more STEM rather than politics religion blah blah the world would a better place

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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