Let Me Grow Green Roses Poem by Mark Heathcote

Let Me Grow Green Roses

Let me grow green roses
Let me grow green roses for her hair
They need no other colour to be fair
Such is the sunlight on your refrain
Such is the moonbeams spotlight
Lord, everything in her stead is arcane.

Hold that prairie-bounty
Hold that cactus Queen of the Night
Hold anything in the Garden of Eden
They-just-strangle - the light of my days her sweet perfume.

Instead, just let me grow
Let me grow green roses for her hair
They need no other colour to be fair
Such is her mischievous red auburn hair
When it curls, it scintillates my heart to be fair.

Hold that bridle and that hound-
Braying and howling at the moon
Lord, nail my heart housebound
And let her feed me love with a tablespoon
Lord, everything in her stead is arcane
Lord, everything in her stead is arcane
Is arcane, is arcane, arcane.

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