Let Me Stand In The Rain Poem by Alecia Nak

Let Me Stand In The Rain

Let me walk down that cold blurry road;
feel the cold rain down my hair
the wind blowing twisting and turning
to avoid the cold rain
let me feel the cold rush through my body
let me avoid the hate; make them all drown
let the rain wash them away
let me stand in the rain
I'll stand up on top of the black pavement and hear the pounding of the rain
I'll cry and let the tears fall down with the rush of the rain
theres no need to hide in the dark
no need for an umbrella
theres no need for someone to say 'I hate you'
I'll just stay hidden in the rain like a dumb girl
I'll stand there till Romeo comes and save me
but I, the foolish one can only imagine the rubbish things a fantasy book would want
let me stand in the rain and protest my love to Romeo
it's not an obsession its a misunderstandment
like me foolishly standing in the rain, waiting for nothing
but drops of lies
not one or one night I will forget Romeo
He should be thoughtful I put some care and thought for him
but there I go imagining
Let me stand in the rain and pour my emotions
where no one can see, where no one can give sympathy but the truth
let me stand in the rain till I fall ill
wake me up when the sunshine has come and drops of light showing me honesty
and Romeo standing there waiting for me
let me stand in the rain so my imagination can go over the top of head
let me stand there till the numbness of my heart breaks away

Let me stand in the rain.............

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