Let's All Go Visit Beautiful Kent Poem by Kevin Rymell

Let's All Go Visit Beautiful Kent

Let's all go and visit beautiful Kent
You'll get value for money all well spent
Be prepared to sit in an endless traffic jam
But we're on our hols and don't give a damn

First on our list is exotic Sheerness
But it's so bloody windy there it made my hair a mess
I'd really only go there if I was up for a bet
Cos, I'll be damned if you can find a toilet

The streets are deserted, the shops are all shut
Can't find an ice cream or a jammy Donut
Lots of drunks who scream and shout
A place for the chavs who are down and out

I like to tell it straight I ain't vague
I'm a Londoner I ain't got no plague
I'll meet up with my mates and congregate
Enjoy the Sun and Sand on the coast in Margate

Look at us we're tanned and covered in oil you know what I means
But we're packed together like a tin of sardines
Down by the sea but breathing each other's air
Can it be healthy - what do I care?

We'll drink and party cos were first rate
Then have a little rumble on the streets of Ramsgate
Were young and reckless, we have no fears
Of Covid-19 that only affects old dears

Social distancing, your having a laugh
I read the Sun, not the Telegraph
Rules are for others, I'm sure there well meant
But I'm on my holiday in beautiful Kent…………

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: humour
Chinedu Dike 13 August 2020

Beautifully expressed thoughts and feelings in verse with rhythmic splendour. An insightful piece of poetry.

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