Let's Give It Up For Our Lord Poem by Larry Perry Sr

Let's Give It Up For Our Lord

Let's give it up for our Lord who needs no introduction who we must believe and trust in

With all of the self construction that is going on today it seems like there's a school shooting everyday

Children can't get out of the way teacher scrambling to save their lives

No one never knows when or where or why

But there's one thing for sure the use of guns are out of control

Into the wrong hands they gose

Innocent Lives comes to an end

God protects his own

As do Satan as he sit on his throne commanding demanding his own self construction that needs no introduction

Never for sure which side you are on a t times

Aer you on God's side or are you on Satan side

Only you and God or only you and Satan will ever know but there's one thing for sure

You will meet your final resting place
Now it's up to you which one you choose

Are you a child of God or a child of Satan so you make the choice

Heaven or Hell is where you want to rest your head when you're dead

You can choose to live your after life happy or you can choose to live your after life sad

This is something that is guarantee to be if you enter Heaven where's everything are happy or you enter Hell where everything are sad

I can't speak for you but I can sure speak for myself

I choose to be happy because I love God and God loves me back

So Heaven is where I will lay my final tracks so as you can see with me the Lord wins everytime

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