Let's Watch Our Bodies Get Old! Poem by Chuy Amante

Let's Watch Our Bodies Get Old!

Yeah, I said it! Let's get it out there.
Are things slower, bigger, lower, drying up,
shriveling, sagging, going away, and unreliable?

It sounds to me like there is no future in getting old.

What gets old, that carcass of yours? You rocked it well
for years but things are changing, aren't they.

Instead of looking in the mirror,
Smash it, for your own good.
Let's stay 25 forever
Everyday play like kids,
eat well and eat lots of dessert,
drink wine, smoke grass, enjoy lots of sun,
the kinds that is rumored to give cancer?
I don't buy it, I'll take my vitamin D
with an order of wrinkles.

Don't slow down that dying battery,
let it go, stop thinking of the future
and the past.
Let's all live now!
Who teaches you how to live?
Live life lively
love everyone,
don't entertain anger
don't be 'right' about anything

Tell people they are wonderful, everybody
There is no death.
So we drop the carcass, look back at it, laugh
and carry onward, as we desire.
What do you desire after the meat puppet
turns to Jerky?
When there is no body worth loving, what is left?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: health,life,love,aging
Chuy Amante

Chuy Amante

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