Let The Woman Go, Just Let Schiavo Go Poem by Percy Dovetonsils

Let The Woman Go, Just Let Schiavo Go


Terri Schiavo,
I want to apologize
for meddlin' American pols
so fukken hungry for votes
they can't stop
torturing you
years after you died.

And I want to apologize
for your parents
who, in the name of love,
saw fit to drag out your death
for a decade
and apparently
if they could
would have dragged
it out until THEY died
because they are so afraid
of you dying first.

And I want to apologize
for all those Holy Rollers
that got nuthin' better to do
than play God
with your dead brain
and life-supported body.

And most of all I want to apologize
for Governor Jeb Bush
who just can't stop himself
from sticking his nose
into your business.

I know why he's doing this.
He's seen what a long and successful
his brother
has had since
since HIS brain died.

And I've got to admit
it's amazing
to see George Walker
walk, and almost kinda talk,
and be a War President
who's violently protecting us all
from Jesus knows what.

But Terri S is never
going to climb out of that ICU bed
or find Jesus
or politics
or a new lease on life
the way W did
after he got reborn
'n baptized
in the blood of the Lamb.

Terri's never going to walk
or talk
or love
or laugh.
And every minute she remains
on life support
is a minute more her body suffers.

So for once in your life,
do the decent thing
the merciful thing,
even if Attorney General Gonzalez
has advised your
that it ain't torture
if it doesn't cause
death or major organ failure.

The torture you're prolonging
won't kill Terri
because she's already dead
and it won't cause her #1 organ to fail
because it already has.
She's not a terrorist
and Florida's not Gitmo
though it's close.

Merciful Jesus, Jeb:
The woman can't
defend herself
and she can't talk back.

Jeb Bush
if there really is a hell
besides the one
you've helped create
in your own state
for what's left
of Terri Schiavo
it must have
an icu
with an empty bed
waiting just for y

Friday, April 22, 2005
Topic(s) of this poem: hypocrisy,politics
Terry Schiavo's husband battled for his comatose wife's right to die from 1995 to 2016.Republicans made her a political football.A judge finally granted her the right to die in 2016.
Poetry Hound 22 April 2005

These sentiments are spot on. Thanks for having the courage to say them out loud. The right-wing politicians cynically got involved in order to raise money for their campaigns from the holy rollers. The right wingers used poor Terri for their own ends. It wouldn't have become an international news story without them. The line in your poem, 'They can't stop torturing you years after you died' says it all.

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