Let Us Learn To Live With It Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Let Us Learn To Live With It

Rating: 3.5

You pulled right, I pulled left,
Both fell in the middle;
I walked here, you walked there,
Both met with gaping hole.

Not that we are poles,
We focussed on same goal;
I saw thro' immediate hope,
You viewed thro' distant scope.

Now walls are sky high,
Gulfs stand bottomless deep;
No spur to rise to sky,
No boats to navigate through.

Entangled in wild creepers,
Stuck in inescapable embrace,
You can't reach back across,
Nor feed our common goal.

Nor the path I sought was safe,
Infested with poisonous snakes;
I knew, you dared to navigate,
But feared it for my sake.

I'm saved from fatal snakes,
But caught in entangles,
You're sapped of all charms,
Go dry like Arabian sands.

Opposites take nowhere,
But to bottomless gulf;
Closer we meet our minds,
Better we find a course.

Indeed I was in hurry,
Impatient to call the shots;
But I assure you in certitude,
We would have found a course.

You never gave a chance,
Feared of the impatience
You noticed in my stance,
You went alone to checkmate me.

Now you see where we are,
Neither here, nor there, nowhere,
In insurmountable gulf,
Caught in total naught.

Immediate was difficult,
But worth for pursuit;
Distant scope you pursued
Tied us to different worlds.

Now you have your world,
I have here mine own;
The twine will never meet,
Let us learn to live with it.

Monday, October 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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