Let's Go Poem by Tater Crater

Let's Go

Lets go let's go let's jump right in
Live forever don't give in
I'll take you on with broken wings
And still I'll fly, I'll fly away
and live to see another day
Let's go let's go let's jump up high
You won't get me I own the sky
But don't give in you've got to try
So spread your tattered wings and fly
If you dare into my sky
Let's go let's go we'll have some fun
You took the chance and now you've won
Forever more you'll be the one
Who sees, who knows the sky and sun
Let's go let's go into the night
With me you'll be and feel the might
of never ending warmth and light
So come on, let's go, abandon fright
and fly with me into the night

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