Letter To The Church Poem by Ojeikpo Elijah

Letter To The Church

In the halls of faith, a battle fierce,
Why do conflicts in the church immerse?
Pastors clash, and saints divide,
Can a kingdom torn within truly abide?

Is it for fame, the spotlight's dazzling gleam?
Or power and pride, an ego's selfish dream?
To stand on high, flaunting wealth's allure,
While the needy suffer, their cries we ignore?

From Genesis' dawn to Revelation's end,
No tale of demons locked in strife transcend.
Yet within the church, the fight persists,
For fame or power, wealth or selfish trysts.

Know you not?
Have we forgotten our celestial call?
'We wrestle not against flesh and blood, '
But against Principalities and powers, and darkness' wicked reign,
Against these foes, our strength should be sustained.
Why then, oh church, do we fight ourselves,
Grieving the cross, forsaking our goal?

Forming Colonies and guilds, sonship and godfatherhood,
These earthly bonds have robbed us of good.
What is the purpose of this endless fight,
For souls or selfish aims, we've lost our light.

Our focus has shifted, our goals astray,
From saving souls to earthly display.
We battle for gains that fade with time,
Forgetting our purpose, our mission sublime.

The church, a haven for souls to unite,
Divided by factions, in a power-hungry plight.
Our conflicts tarnish God's sacred abode,
Dimming its glory, a burden we've bestowed.

So, I question once more, what is our fight?
For God's kingdom or our own selfish delight?
Let us cast aside desires that divide,
With unity, we stand against the darkness

The real battle lies against the forces of darkness,
That seek to tear us apart, to extinguish our light.
But together, in unity, we can prevail,
Conquering darkness, letting God's love sail.

Let us lay down our weapons, cease this futile strife,
For in God's house, there's no room for conflict's rife.
Love and divine light should be our guiding force,
In the realm of faith, let harmony be our course.

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