Letting Go Poem by Althia Johns

Letting Go

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do,
But baby I had to let go of you.
No matter HOW much I loved you.
You did the one thing you said you wouldn't do.
Can't believe I even trusted you.
I gave you everything,
Thinking you were doing the same.
While in the end you gave me nothing but pain.
All the while I was just blinded...
Blinded by love which made me absent minded.
I can't even blame you for the hurt I suffered,
Because I got myself into the mess that put me in the corner.
We had something I thought was really meant to be.
But it all turns out I wasn't facing reality.
I was just HOPING it would always be you AND me.
There were so many signs along the way that I chose not to see.
I just kept ignoring the fact that you were really hurting me.
But all the time I was just blinded by love you see.
But hey I still have to thank you; you see I learned something important.
That is I must ALWAYS cherish me.
I deserve so much more than what you gave,
But what I gave to you... THAT could never be saved.
The way you just ripped my heart out and walked away...
you didn't really care.
You forgot about them times you told me 'Baby I'll ALWAYS be there'.
Boy you had me fooled.
You turned away from me and never even looked back,
Now you wanna come to me sayin' 'Baby I 'WANT' you back',
Boy please.
You got a 'wife' sitting at home waiting for you...
And this is what you do.
Now that only makes me wonder,
What were you doin' when we were together? ! ? !
You know what they say, 'What he does to one he WILL do to the other'.
Sorry if I sound like I'm blaming it all on you.
I'm really not because it was my fault too,
I should have said something when everything was going south.
But my heart told me everything would be okay,
So I didn't open my mouth.
'THAT' was my bad.
Now that everything is all said and done,
I finally learned to accept the fact that you weren't meant to be 'The one'.
It's sad to say but I'm letting you go now.
But before you leave go ahead and take that well deserved bow,
Because that act you put on really caught me some how.
'Time heals all wounds' they say,
So now It's time for me to send you on your way.
Letting go of the things you said...
The things you did...
And the things that will NEVER be.
I'm letting go of YOU...but I'm NOT letting go of me.

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