Life Is A Tree Poem by Talha Naeem

Life Is A Tree

Rating: 5.0

Lineage of a tree, so curious,
Íntention of my heart was entrapped,
Fear of my soul exalted
Evoking eager, for its ups and downs.

In beginning, all of us, were indulged in its taste & colour, Seeking no deterrent from a dried tree.

All, is going to be an end, you see.

To every action, there's opposite reaction,
Roots of tree &its charm stay unsafe,
Excessive actuality; life has no protection.
Elm, like life, even vary from zenith to cave.
Talha Naeem

Life Is A Tree
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love and life,motivation,nature
Jazib Kamalvi 24 May 2019

Write comment. Great start, Talha Naeem. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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Chinedu Dike 24 May 2019

Well expressed thoughts and feelings. An insightful piece of poetry. Thanks for sharing, Talha.

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Butch Decatoria 24 May 2019

I Love ACROSTICS! Got a good one, wish it were personal, it seems to explain rather than enthrall. May be lack of emotional digging young poets forget to emote or evoke. But hey you’re published online now—a published poet who would of known it. Peace be with you.

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Talha Naeem

Talha Naeem

Mianwali, Pakistan
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