Live-In Relation Leads To Solation Poem by Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Live-In Relation Leads To Solation

The courtship serves that they know each other.
The marriage entails living together.
Marriages fail from successful courtships.
Living together cuts space for movements.

Divorce is a cumbersome exercise.
Sometimes, pounds of flesh are extracted.
To circumvent the divorce from marriage,
Live-in relationships have been brought in.

In live-in relation, man and woman
Live together, having conjugal love,
And beget children with all sanctity.
It may or not lead to marriage later.

In certain cases, living-in is had
As a stop gap arrangement for marriage,
Living-in is as good as a married life.
It can serve being a good test drive test.

To end marriage is to sell a house.
To end living-in is to end a lease.
Live -in relation is easy to break
Before marriage or later from staleness

‘Till death do us part' has been outdated.
Living-in is a step before wedding,
Which is still preferred as it gives one joy
Of going public with the relationship.

With less commitment, live-in relation
Is easy to break and easy to acquire.
Change of partners drives out monotony.
After sexual life, isolation will set in.

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Aravayal, karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, South India
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