Lk49. Rama's Departure To Heaven Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Lk49. Rama's Departure To Heaven


Lord Yama gave Rama an advance sign.
That to the Heaven, he had to return.
The Time, Yama, gave this signal,
As that was his job, at the stage final.

Lakshmana, with his body and soul,
Left first for Heaven, by his self-will,
He couldn't bear Rama's separation,
As he loved him beyond description.

When Rama spoke of his departure,
Bharata fell unconscious, as by nature,
So much he loved and respected his brother,
That even such words, he couldn't hear.

After Bharata got up, it was decided,
That Lava and Kusa be crowned
To rule the kingdom with utmost care,
And Satrughna was also sent for.

Rama gave South Kosala to Kusa
And then North Kosala to Lava,
Thus both were crowned as kings
Before leaving his worldly things.

With his brothers, very soon,
Rama decided to go to Heaven.
He advised Vibhisana, Hanuman
Jambavan, on the earth to remain.

He told Hanuman, "Your divine
Role on this earth will go on,
And you'll live on this earth
To the best of devotees' faith."

He told the monkeys and bears,
Standing before him with tears,
"As Stipulated, you all follow me
As till now you've been helping me."

So saying Sri Rama entered
His own Santanika World,
As Lord Vishnu, with his brothers,
And other chosen creatures.

In the hearts of his devotees
Even today Sita Rama lives.
No wonder, his story inspires
Every one of his devotees.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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