Lonely Poem by Nebil Elias


Surrounded by family and friends
In a home, I always feel by myself
At night, my mind soaks thoughts unsaid
Surrounded by hope, filled with dread

In a sea of people, all they see is a pretty smile
But they never notice that I hide my pain sometimes
I wonder what would happen if I simply disappeared for a while
I silently fight my demons left unslain

From subtle whispers to outlandish screams
I can't escape my hazed dreams
People say I seem so bright
If only they saw what I think at night

Loneliness is a familiar feeling
People see only what I made them to see
But in reality, my mind is reeling
My only wish is my demons to set me free

Lonely is a strong word
I feel it often that is true
I wish if I was a bird
I would fly and ease my emotions in a sky of blue

Freedom is what I crave
Free of demons and dreams
To my mind, I'm a slave
My mouth silent yet my heart scream

What my mind speaks
They will never know
On my porcelain face a river leak
They never notice me, only my show

I am the porcelain doll they made me
Eyes darker than the black sea
A face that shows perfection
And a mask to house my inner destruction

Yes, I am lonely
Only those who feel it can see
For you, I smile momentarily
The show is starting, do you want to join me?

Monday, September 20, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: lonely
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