Long have I longed for your return
For that scent oozing out of your pores
The morning breeze on your skin
Long has it been
Since I have seen you
Look back into my eyes
'Till you've pierced through them
Let my thoughts bleed out
Long you've held my hand
Warming to the point of scars
Pushing me over the edge
Of those feelings boiling high
Filling my heart
To burst of thrill
Whisper to my ears
Make me light at the head
Long you have been
Patiently awaiting as a panther
Chased me 'till I to me knees
Begging that you do as you please
Giving in to you
All my being
Long I will be waiting
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Very distinctive longing of heart i must say