Lord You Generate Praises Poem by Gary James Smith

Lord You Generate Praises

Rating: 5.0

Lord You Generate Praise

Lord You generate praises
In heart's that know Your Word
That know Salvation is a personal relationship
With Jesus Christ the Lord
Who live in redemptive power
Through His blessed Resurrection
Because He lives we shall also
To the day of our soul's perfection

And loves transforming power
Through the person of God's Son
When it arrives in our heart's by faith
Our glorying is just begun
Forgiven for sins of the past
And reconciled now to God
We've become as new born children
Born again by the Spirit of God

The wisdom of Your Word
Where the wealth of faith is found
You declare the truth in power
Which can make us Heavenbound
I'm thrilled to know the delight
Of a soul that now longs to sing
Most joyfully and unashamedly
To Jesus the King of kings

Lord You generate praises
In heart's that know Your Word
That know Salvation is a personal relationship
With Jesus Christ the Lord
Who live in redemptive power
Through His blessed Resurrection
Because He lives we shall also
To the day of our soul's perfection

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright June 11..20202: 12 PM

Gary James Smiths

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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