Love (Emily Translated To Senryu) Poem by rich soos

Love (Emily Translated To Senryu)

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not a useful word
no one can define its truth
know it full that's all

there's no need for talk
when reason is full and plain
its place fully known

love is not a word
to hide behind as answer
know it full that's all

First appearance: (2016)

This is a translation of the poem "Why Do I Love" You, Sir? by Emily Dickinson
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,truth,word
Dr. Antony Theodore 27 December 2020

love is not a word to hide behind as answer know it full that's all... An insight into the mystery of l ove. tony

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rich soos

rich soos

Passaic, NJ USA
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