Love Has No Limit... Poem by Rhymer Rhymer

Love Has No Limit...

After Leaving the Earth Of Prophet Muhammad SM:
Hajrat Belal Rta became very much shocked
He Rta was almost mad for Rasool SM!
He Rta took his bag and baggage for leaving Madina shoreef where Rasool SM was nomore!
Then Sahaba Rtas asked him Rta of his destination of going: 'The Country where my dear RasooL SM is no more, I can't Stay there!
" Then He Rta came to Damesk Of SYRIA!
After a few Days of his Rta departure from Madina Shoreef, He Rta dreamt Rasool SM Telling:
'Hello, BelaL, Why don't You come to see me''?
After Dreaming this, he Rta rushed to Madina Shoreef to visit The Holy Grave!
Since He Rta was the First Muaj-jin:
The news of his Rta arrival to Madina Shoreef, reache to all corners!
Sahaba Rtas became so Glad to see him Rta!
They Rts were bewildered to listen to his Ajan(calling for prayer) !
When he Rta came to Madina Shoreef All requested Him Rta to recite Ajan but He didn't agree!
When all were pressing, he said: 'Don't tell me to recite Ajan! As I can't do it!
When I utter Allah Hu aqbar, I can keep me right, when I utter Ash hadu al Lailahaillah still I can keep control on me but, when I utter Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadur Rasool Ullah, I look at the mimber to see Rasool SM but my Rasool SM is absent there now, I will not be able to tolerate it! "
Still sahabas Rts insisted to recite Ajan!
When Hasan Rta and Hossain Rta came and insisted, Belal Rta agreed!
This Ajan brings tears to all eyes: Why BelaL Rta become senseless in the middle of the recitation of Ajan Today?
All came and catch hold and take him inside!
After regaining Sense He Rta Said: "When I uttered Allah Hu aqbar, I could keep me right, when I uttered Ash hadu alLailaha illah still I could keep control on me but, when I uttered Ash Hadu AnnaMuhammadur Rasool Ullah, I looked at the member to see Rasool SM but my RasoolSM was absent there now, I could not tolerate it so I became senseless! " 'What a Love for Dear Prophet Muhammad SM!
" What great lovers were the Sahabi Rts for Rasool SM

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Rhymer Rhymer

Rhymer Rhymer

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