Love Is The Winner Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Love Is The Winner

She is the lamp that burns my soul,
She is the throb that beats my heart,
She is the spark that emits life,
The raison d'etre, the cause of life.

Dark ‘neath light is nature's tryst,
A trough between ridges is its sport;
While she rouses life, spreading pain,
Nature's cruel jest, Newton's response.

The raging flame of love in us
Charred us both to crippled lives;
Life as tsunami rolled over us
To throw us apart on distant shores.

Across deep gulf dividing our lives,
Amidst thick mist enwrapping us,
I see her living a sanyasin's life,
Austere, spartan, lonely, languid.

Broken in self, shattered by loss,
I grieve all day: her distressing state
Cracks my soul, I collapse within
In hapless grief for her pathetic fate.

I strive to reach across the gulf,
Convince that all is all right soon;
So imbued and frozen in grief she is,
She refuses to hear, shuts me back.

Hands, tied and legs, nailed, I
Know not how to tend her back
To rosy life, jasmine fragrance,
Where I love to soak in her nectar.

Past was long, and future, short,
Path ahead is impossibly fenced;
I count days with prayers in heart
For peace, joy and her fulfilment.

But nothing counts in shattered life,
No hopes or future stirs anymore;
Stripped of lights, in midnight she lives,
Post tenebris spero lucem, holds no good.

How long this sojourn of hell for me,
How long should I wait to get her back;
I know, we win if we wait for long,
For love is the winner over all evils.

Shahzia Batool 06 March 2012

Amor Vincit Omnia...! ! ! ...No doubt...

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