Love Unseen Unheard Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Love Unseen Unheard

Wherever you be, here, there or anywhere,
It’s my abode, my temple, my heaven;
Whenever you smile with sparkles in eyes,
It’s my time of fulfillment and pure joy;
However you respond to my earnest call,
It’s the course, I do know, that befits me.

You’re not you in true sense of the term,
You’re more I’m than I ever myself,
With my soul and self truly instilled in you,
That radiates and moulds me as I do;
I’m safer in you than I ever as myself,
You guard me from harm as shield of me.

You’re so close, but why remain so far?
Distances are trifle, yet critical sometimes,
Those make or mar structures love builds;
I know your drive, how focused you move,
How safe I go ‘neath the sheath you give
From distance neither you nor I could cover.

I’m your vigil; day and night I fill you,
I’m your focus that lights your soul,
And you make me a giant, sublime like god,
Safe and contented, lofty, but what for…?
Alas, nowhere I come up to your height,
And no peace or comfort I’m privileged to give.

You give me all at whatever colossal cost,
But you hate to accept a dime in return,
For fear that that destabilizes the poise,
And harms the state I’m privileged to have,
While you grind yourself in time’s hard grooves;
How can any accept, my queen, this illogical move?

I’m in soul, mind, and body obliged to you,
For, I live life as I do by grace and sacrifice,
You imbued me with, in love unseen, unheard;
I do feel wrong, and need to give you myself,
But I know, repayment does insult your height,
Wherefore reverently I wait for whatever you bid.

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