Love Letter Poem by LLM Mbatha

Love Letter

Rating: 5.0

My love is free
It sets you free
To be that which
You desire to be
Though a part of me
Wants to cuff you
Around my wrist
And to cover you
With palms of my hands
Like a ruby or a pearl
To protect you
Hold on to you
And never to lose you
By any chance or plan

I can but cuff you
Around my head
With all my thoughts
And with my heart
Cover you
Yet have you free
To break free
To break my heart
For what is love
What does it mean
If not the freedom
Of a cloud dissolving
Into a blue nothing
Just a feeling! ?

Saying, I love you
And to have you say it
Back to me
Is all the music
I need to hear
The assurance
To lay down my trust

I love you
And miss you
I fear for you
Shed a tear for you
Because nothing must happen
Nothing to upset you

Never in this life
Have I been afraid
For another life
To lose them any how
Though I’ve had a few
Mainly in my dreams
The old and the new
Nobody like you

If some other time
In false chemistry
This house should go to waste
I’d know still in my heart
I’ve done the very best
But love,
Love has done the rest...

gone gone 07 March 2007

Lungelo..... a wonderful, truthful poem........thankyou Love, D.

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