Love`s Mornings... Poem by hazem al jaber

Love`s Mornings...

Rating: 5.0

Love`s mornings...

good morning o sweet lady...
my lady who gives me always a peaceful mind...
and an inspirations to write about this love..
our love which we share together...

good morning my sweetheart...
sending it with a sweet lovely waft...
through smoothly wind in every morning...

morning whispers with a love into your ears...
covering you with a lovely sweet flowers..
to perfume you and your soul with it aroma...
morning with a charms smiles through my heart`s longs drawing it on your lips...
morning with a fragrance jasmine hugs your air`s breathes...

good morning...
good hopes...
good sweet dreams...
good sweet wishes...
and good happy memories always wishing you...
best love of my heart always sends for you...


Lady Grace 22 July 2009

good morning my humble fav hope ur fine in this cold morning breeze my heart smiles upon reading this this is a perfectly nice piece... i love the way you send ur greetings this is so nice wth humble smile good wishes for you the whole day hope ur fine...please be happy... the less u talk, the more am inspired coz thats the essence of a good poet's mind a poet when silent, more wrds in his mind when it is written, am sure all wrds are written so fine... i love this greetings, tho it's a very simple one from my heart, , i love this...i love this more smiles i can't hide....maybe am inspired thanks for this...sweetheart, goodmorning too...

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Ency Bearis 22 July 2009

a cool greetings in early morn for a soul mate.....10

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Marieta Maglas 22 July 2009

''morning with a charms smiles through my heart`s longs drawing it on your lips... morning with a fragrance jasmine hugs your air`s breathes...'' wonderful lyric poem of love..well written.. I like the way you keep your feelings in time for your lady, you're a serious man and a great poet........10++++ from me

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Louise Tredoux 22 July 2009

“morning whispers with a love into your ears...covering you with a lovely sweet perfume you and your soul with it aroma...with a fragrance jasmine hugs your air`s breathes...” You are using just the right words, perfume and soul, love always is sweet incense and soul happiness to me, lovely Hazem!

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