Love Sacred - Ii Poem by Dr subhendu kar

Love Sacred - Ii

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From the yonder horizon the north- star sequestered
shining love in corridor of our time emerged upon
that may provoke in others wistful of inkling -love
when genesis of life in love and peace living detracting.

stemming by the extended arms of will gleamed.
they may ask us the reason of such love from legion
being answered by their own reasons and rhymes
refluxed upon by their own quest of love in desire.

The quest being awesome yet trembling at criss - cross
imposed upon by their passions for love lost in grimacing
oh dear, dear me the flairs on love of mine bestirred by betaken smile
as the moments drifting being impinged by the eternal stream.

let the reef of reasons that reasoned the love be intoned
yet uttered by all its secrets being opened to the millions
as it ingrains deep within like the redness to the blood
unto the all that delve into the stance sacred that flairs to the atmost

Malini Kadir 20 July 2007

let the reef of reasons that reasoned the love be intoned yet uttered by all its secrets being opened to the millions as it ingrains deep within like the redness to the blood unto the all that delve into the stance sacred that ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Sacred to the atmost! blending in blood most! Rhyming in lyrical effect Love within did reflect! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Dr subhendu kar

Dr subhendu kar

Bhubaneswar, Odissa, India
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