Love Turns To Be A Turning Point In Our Life Poem by MOHAMMAD SKATI

Love Turns To Be A Turning Point In Our Life

If we have have,
We will inevitably winners
All the time, but
If we don't have at all, then
We will be inevitably losers
All the time...
Winners get all of its pretty merits while
Losers get all of its ugly merits
Simply because that's the way
With it anytime, anywhere, and everywhere...
No one abandons it
Unless it abandons all those who don't care
About it....
It elecates those who take it seriously while
It downs greatly all those who don't care
About it...
It is a great master to
All of those who live it while
It is a bad servant to all of those
Who turn their backs to it...
We all know it better while
Some other people do not live it...
It is a pretty turning point in
The whole aspects of our life...

Friday, September 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Mohammad Skati 01 September 2017

If we have love, We will be inevitably winners All the time, but If we don't have it, then We will be inevitably losers All the time.... Sorry for those unintended mistakes made by me. Thanks.

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