Lyrics: Pure Heart Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Lyrics: Pure Heart

Rating: 5.0

I will love you unconditionally
Even though you pull my heart string
Fill with blood of roses left wash away in the sea
Like a broken piece of piano left without its melody
When pure love at heart, place a wound inside you

Bit to bit, break apart of my heart
I’m the one who been bleed confidential
Like dying person left to walk
Frozen heart which bleed to tears?
Can’t you see the real true?
Pure of my heart deep inside me
The real love which i have given you
And your eyes and search the meaning
And the values of someone
who loves pure of her heart

Somehow time frozen in between us
Broken memory which placing in
Collide down the tears bursting out
Caused it hurt deep inside you can’t hide it any more
If only you could felt it do you even have a heart?
Do you ever try to read through the wounded heart you place?
Do you ever care try to understand the wounded
The feelings which breaking inside which left hidden

I will love you unconditionally
Even though you pull my heart string
Fill with blood of roses wash away in sea
Like a broken piece of piano Left without it melody
When pure love at heart, place a wound inside you

I'm not that kind of girls who played the heart
Who fools the one who love her taking benefit on her need
being too selfish wanting more
What is worst of a beautiful figure when you have a cold heart?
And wasting time gossip on something that is not true
The true beauty is inside your heart and soul which reflect your beauty
Go and break me down if you could, i could only be real
Because i have no drama like other girls
You don’t fool me by your lies you only fool your own self

Dr Antony Theodore 17 April 2019

I will love you unconditionally Even though you pull my heart string Fill with blood of roses wash away in sea Like a broken piece of piano Left without it melody...what a powerful expression with wonderful examples. thank u dear poetess. tony

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