Mahabharata 11: He That Frustrates Is The Foe Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Mahabharata 11: He That Frustrates Is The Foe

Who be whose foe, who be whose friend,
Mark there's nor yet measure at hand,
Whoso causes pain, threat to crown,
He O king is the foe to frown.
Here is the transliteration of the original verse:

shatruh cha eva hi mitram cha na lekhyam na cha mātŗkā |
yah vai santāpayati yam sah shatruh prochyate nŗpa || sabhā 55-10 ||

Duryodhan had very practical and simple definitions: Whoso frowns at your crown is foe; the sore that festers is the wound; whatso wounds is a weapon. He had many such gems and working wisdoms: Discontent and greed is the source of wealth. The duty of a sovereign is to add to his coffers. A king has no brother, nor lasting friend. And he gave illustrations from the ancient lore. One king to another a born foe is. Even lowly white ants, if allowed to breed unstopped, would eat away a huge tree in course of time. To understand this verse: na lekhyam = (there is)no written definition; na cha mātŗkā = nor yet a mark or measure; yah vai santāpayati = indeed, he that harasses and hinders, troubles; prochyate = is called, said.

Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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