Mahabharata 34: Rare Go Those That Their Karma Know Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Mahabharata 34: Rare Go Those That Their Karma Know

Do thine karma, be not weary,
Let karma thy armour be,
He that what to do well knows,
So rare, one in thousand, goes.
Here is the transliteration of the original verse:

sva-karma kuru mā glāsīhkarmaņā bhava damshitah |
kŗtam hi yah abhi-jānātisahasre sah asti na asti cha || vana 32-9 ||

Let us know a few words: mā glāsīh = be not unwilling, disinclined, fatigued, weary;damshitah = armour, armed and equipped; sahasre sah asti= rare in a thousand he is; na asti cha= or not even (one in thousand, but less) .

Topic: work, karma

Friday, November 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: karma,work
Kumarmani Mahakul 01 November 2019

This original verse is so sweet and informative. You have rightly explained. Karma knows many things. An amazing sharing is done really.10

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Aniruddha Pathak 01 November 2019

There is a shloka in Sanskrit that says: ....arasikeshu kavitva nivedanam sirashi ma likha malika malikha |... A poet requests the Goddess of Fate, a reward of my other karma ye may give me as ye like, but pray make me not narrate my poetry to those uninterested/uninitiated. It is really nice to receive feedback from those that know. Thank you dear KM.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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