Mahabharata 33: Every Life Evolves To Rise Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Mahabharata 33: Every Life Evolves To Rise

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O Scion of Bharata,
Every life knows to its best
How to evolve to the crest,
Savouring fruits that may befall,
Suffering what to their fate fall,
World witness is to karmas, big and small.
Here is the transliteration of the original verse:

utthānam abhi-jānantisarva bhūtāni bhārata |
pratyakśham phalam ashnantikarmaņām loka-sākśhikam || vana 32-6

Draupadi was in no mood to give up. She had always been a woman knowing her mind. She responded, ‘I do not disagree with you, but I interpret dharma in a different way. It is the true pursuit of life1. Four pursuits of men are known as purushārthas. By this, everyone's dharma is to pursue his karma. The word utthānam is used here to mean evolution, one's rise and progress from life to life.

Intellectual discussion may often degenerate into debate to prove one's point and disprove the opposite view. Something similar happened here.

1. The four arthas, or dharmas or pursuits in life: According to Indic philosophy, life should be lived in order to fulfil these four pursuits.

1.1 artha: earning one's means for life; this is material well-being.
1.2 sva-artha: Self inerest, Kāma— fulfilment of desires, emotional well-being.
1.3 dharma-artha: Performing one's duty, pursuing righteous, virtuous path.
The above two are to be pursued observing dharma. This is moral well being.
1.4 mokśha-artha: Pursuit of liberation/salvation,
This pre-supposes certain level of evolution for the soul. This is spiritual well being.

Topic: life, evolution

Saturday, October 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Rose Marie Juan-austin 27 October 2019

A marvelous poem imbued with insight and wisdom. If we follow the wonderful ideas embodied in this write, what a wonderful life we would have. Magnificently written with great rhyme.

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Aniruddha Pathak 28 October 2019

Thank you for appreciating this labour of love, one of the few outside India.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 October 2019

Savouring fruits that may befall, Suffering what to their fate fall, World witness is to karmas, big and must enjoy the fruits of his Karma, The result depends upon the past action or Karma. It is well that you have mentioned the four arthas, or dharmas or pursuits in life: Thank you for sharing.

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Aniruddha Pathak 28 October 2019

Thank you Kumarmaniji for appreciating this labour of love. And let me wish (post haste) happy Diwali. May you fulfill the best of your wishes.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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