Mama, Papa I Need You As My Parents Poem by Preston Mwiinga

Mama, Papa I Need You As My Parents

Sometimes I seat in the corner and cry all day long.
Why aren't I happy? What am I missing in my life?
These are some of the questions that have been running on my mind.
Looking at me of my friends, i notice real happiness in their lives.
Then I realize, I need the parent love and guidance.

You do not help me by blessing me with money and other material things.
You do not help me by leaving me in the hands of the maid and my little sister and brother in the hands of a baby sitter.
Having my siblings feed from feeding bottles by maids because you are never there
does not help them grow health but to luck something in their lives.
Mama, Papa I need you as my parents.

‘Mwana wa imbwa! , Kolwe iwe! ..................................' some parents would utter those words to their children.
They proudly call their flesh and blood ‘Mwana wa Imbwa' and yet they forget that if their children were bore by a dog, then even them (The Parents) are dogs. Because a dog can not give birth to a human being.
You call your own child, ‘Kolwe' and yet he or she is not a monkey, Stop it, because God hates that.
Bless me with words that will build me, do not psychologically punish me.
Please Mama, Papa give me praise when I do good and correct me in a proper way when I error.
I am human, bound to make mistakes.

Dad, Mum blessing me with you love and care.
Tell me that bed time story before i go to bed, spice it up with a hug and a kiss of my forehead. Embrace me because in your alms i am very safe.
Look at me and tell me you love me, remember not just to tell me but also show me that love and care.
I am your little lamb, help me to grow.

Take away the ignorance from me, and empower me education so that I can become self reliant.
Train me up in your ways, I do want to depart from you because in your ways I am safe.
Introduce me to the God of your fathers and your God because in him I will be strong like you.
Give me his telephone number by teaching me how to pray, I too want to talk to him.
Mama, Papa I need you as my parents.

Mama, Papa I Need You As My Parents
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: parent,parenthood,parenting,parents
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