Man's Burden Poem by David Welch

Man's Burden

I barely feel the autumn chill,
as all around me sawdust spills,
my tiny daughter up the hill
waves down, as little children will.

The trees down here have only grown,
blocked out the view we long have known,
by nature's chaos they were sown
amidst the scattered rocks and stones.

So I cut like those long before,
to see this small vista restored,
it always seems there's one task more,
to keep the damn wolves from the door.

I want to rest, oh yes, I do,
but time waits not for men, it's true,
and I'd leave something good for you,
that I and those before me knew…

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: work,purpose,metaphor,men,endurance,rhyme,imagery

2) oh! I wanted to give a Five Star. But, you have kept the rating option closed…

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David Welch 20 October 2024

being creative. But I'm glad you really enjoyed this. THanks for reading!

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David Welch 20 October 2024

Yeah, I don't like the rating system, I don't think that should be the point of

0 0

Nice. ‘Nature' chaos'! ? Good. " time waits not for men....I'd leave something good for you, that I and those before me knew" Beautiful.5*

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