Many People Ask "What Is Turned On? " Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Many People Ask "What Is Turned On? "

means to be aware
or awake as a Soul
not your human body...
i was doing my on-line Stanford Course
which is apart of my overall Certificate program
and yes i find unoccupied time within space to "fill" in my fullest of living per 24hours concurrently
a bookstore parking lot looked empty
figured i could get this book authored by a lawyer or broker
walked in
had a splendid conversation with buzzing brains
one wanted to become an Actress
so she had a book about that particular industry
another wanted to become a better Statistician
he picked up various books relating to that field of expertise
i picked up my handbook for Crowdfunding
we three talked
the Actress i told she should look into becoming a Politician after graduating into an Economist
as art is everything and how art is perceived
she said she knew nothing about those fields
i said it is more metaphysical than anything
playing a role in people dreams
as a main character
to a background symbol
depends on the view and aspect of ratio
good practice and a source to act into a healing position
while on her journey
or possible journey from
Entertainer - Economist - Politican
check your own EEG and EKG
spiked didn't it? (laughing hard)
now we high fived each other cause its a possibility we maybe seeing each other again as the big 3
common 3/8th Rulers (8hrs Working/8hrs Networking/8hrs human body rest)

Sunday, July 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: real life,real success
the book costed me 19.95 instead of costing me extra fees later and yeah realtime and that mango dragonfruit drink was the hit! sip sip sippie....
Error Success