Mark My Words Poem by Joseph Sakyiamah

Mark My Words

Mark my words,
Mark my words! ! !
You better mark my words,
It's wrapped with the widest taught, Imagine worldwide! ! !
Wired by inspirations link up from all the inspire visions, you could think of…
Acknowledge by knowledgeable personalities from various entities; locally and globally.
They are words which are not common to come by; but it still calms and mend the heart that is broken.
Check the numbers from the bible, all the outline mission are on a time bomb with season and sessions
To experience Gods glorification and inspirations, so no time for groggy and weary
In fact with the factual functions or purpose and structure laid down by God
In 2 Timothy 3 v 16-17, all scriptures is given by inspiration of God,
And is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
For instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect,
Thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Am mighty, through our creator, the almighty
Who is so great to create the heaven and the earth and all living things in it! ! !
Very earthshattering: So beware evil minded people,
Who wish to dish all their ravage plans against me, to shout up their intentions?
Because the tension from God which involve and revolves me,
Comes with a revolver, so am calm, humble and untouchable
Hey the power of God is very impregnable,
So mark my words! ! !

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