Mb019. Draupadi's Svamvara Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mb019. Draupadi's Svamvara


In King Drupada's mind,
It was his desire to find,
Arjuna, the great archer,
For Draupadi, his daughter.

Once Arjuna joined his side,
It would prick Drona's pride.
A fight he would never take,
For his pupil Arjuna's sake.

To select a prince suitable,
And one to her acceptable,
A svayamvara he held,
Where princes all assembled.

In the selection hall,
A bow made of steel,
Heavy one to handle,
Was kept on a table.

A disk revolving overhead,
With a moving fish that sped.
"Matsya Yantra" was its name.
To hit it one by one came.

Looking at the fish shadow,
In the water pool kept below,
One should shoot upward,
His head bent downward.

It was a tough task.
None hit the disk.
Was there no one?
Searched everyone.

Pandavas in the crowd,
They felt happy and proud
That Arjuna was there,
The fish to hit and tear.

"Can a Brahmin do this? "
A question then arose.
Kshatriyas were against,
But the king overruled it.

Arjuna in Brahmin's dress,
Aimed the disk with no stress.
Straight the arrows flew,
The target out the shots blew.

Disappointed were the princes lot.
What she wanted Draupadi got.
She garlanded the day's winner.
To their place Pandavas took her.

"Mother, a prize we've won"
Yudhisthira in a happy tone,
Surprised Kunti at the kitchen,
Not noticing them by then.

"Share it equally you must, "
Unaware she told them just.
Her most obedient children,
Strictly they kept her words then.

"Five husbands, oh, no? "
The king allowed her not so.
First he gave his dissent,
But did it with her consent.

The marriage was done,
With royal pomp and fun.
Their Brahmin role broke open.
The world came to know then.

SVAMVARA = Choosing the bridegroom
by a Royal girl from the assembled princes
in the royal court.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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