Mb094. The Eleventh Day Of The Battle Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Mb094. The Eleventh Day Of The Battle


Drona was a good teacher.
He was a master-archer.
Everyone knew his valour.
As a chief, he took over.

"Oh Duryodhana, any boon
Ask me. It shall be given.
I'm pleased with you.
So, I give this to you."

Duryodhana was pleased,
With this offer released.
He said, "I'm grateful.
Oh Guru, you're so noble."

"Pandavas you love, I know,
As kindness you always show.
Kill them not, let them live,
Yudhishthira I want alive."

Drona was happy at the demand,
Not so difficult at his command,
As his mind was never at rest,
How to kill his students best?

"I'm glad you asked this boon,
I'll catch Yudhishthira soon,
But keep Arjuna away from me.
He'll create problem for me."

"I know your good intention,
To give them back their position.
With them you want peace,
The existing bitterness to cease."

When he said this, a reply he got,
"No Guru, once he's caught,
Not on war field we'll fight.
But in a game field, he'll face defeat."

"We'll send them again to the forest.
There they can have life- long rest."
"What a cruel idea? " Drona thought,
He moved out then to the war spot.

This news spread everywhere.
They gave a protective cover,
To Yudhishthira around him,
Near none to approach him

Drona, the best archer skilled,
Countless soldiers he killed.
At the fag end of the day,
He blocked Yudhishthira's way.

Drona would have almost got him,
But Arjuna came to rescue him.
In his attempt he failed miserably,
Pandavas thanked Arjuna liberally.

By then the day came to a close.
All went back to their base.
Duryodhana was quite upset.
His target missed before sunset.

Monday, February 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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