Merzmorized By Memories! Poem by Emma Jane Rae

Merzmorized By Memories!

i can remember when i was little,
when you used to tuck me in to bed,
you gave me goodnight kisses,
ill always remember what you said,
you read me tha same story,
time after time,
i had the best mummy,
i was so proud to call you mine,
and in the morning you'd wake me,
by tickling my feet,
my school uniform hanging up,
all clean and neat,
my breakfast waiting on the table,
and a lovely cuppa too,
i loved you mum,
i was so glad i had you,
the occassional saturday night,
you'd go out with dad,
leaving us with the babysitter,
that always made me sad,
martin and sheena would laugh at me,
when i'd lay in bed and cry,
but they didnt understand,
that it broke my heart everytime,
you said goodbye!
i can remember every hospital visit,
with another broken bone,
but nothing ever bothered me mum,
because i never felt alone,
i remember bath time like yesterday,
when we made beards out of bubbles,
you were always there for me mum,
you always sorted out my troubles,
you used to get me arm and leg,
and pull me around the bath,
there never was 1 minute,
when you didn't make me laugh,
and when i cried you wiped my tears,
what ever happened,
to all of them years?
now im grouwn up at 22,
and now ijm crying,
becasue i miss you,
i loved you so much mum,
you were my world,
i don't feel strong or brave,
inside im still that little girl,
i only crave the love back from my mum,
but deep inside i know it's gone! !

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