Midterm-Ing Poem by anais vionet


Rating: 5.0

It's a beautiful day, like a hole in perpetual winter. We rode bikes around campus - everyone was out. When it's cold I just go place to place but today reminded me that outdoors can be fun. Of course, it's supposed to snow tomorrow night - just a few snow atoms, I think.

Lisa was laying on her back in the grass reading. She rolled over and smoothed the book flat. In the fleeting, golden moment between dusk and evening, the edges of Lisa's gold hair looked almost green. I'm right there next to her - we're sharing a towel-like blanket.

She takes up a pen and writes something in the margins - leaving stray thoughts like breadcrumbs. Then trades the pen for a highlighter and colors several phrases. We're poking around the edges of our chemistry midterm. Her face has tightened in concentration. I could imagine her wearing a similar expression while taking the test.

Later, we'll combine our little scribbles (her handwriting is awful) and highlights, class notes and charts into something collaborative and shareable. She passes me a note, like a riddle, which I read and hand back, annoyed. "That question doesn't interest me." I say nonchalantly.
"You mean you don't know the answer, " she guesses correctly.
"Not yet." I admit.

Rumor has it that Putin will attempt to salvage his reputation by saying his ill-fated invasion of Ukraine was an attempt to stop the new season of "The Kardashians." While we can ALL embrace THAT goal, I think it's just an excuse (politics) .

I love classes - the ideas that we're exposed to, like Agential Identities or Nominative Determinism Hypothesis - ideas, some ½ stupid, some profound but things I wouldn't have thought of in 200 years. I constantly find myself thinking "Who THOUGHT of this? "

Slang: politics = lies

Song Suggestion: Broken People by the Narcissist Cookbook

Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: teen,class,world peace,humor,university,life
Song Suggestion: Broken People by the Narcissist Cookbook......... Slang: politics = lies
anais vionet

anais vionet

Paris, France
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