Mine Ador'st Art In Thine Eyes Poem by Soumili Karmakar

Mine Ador'st Art In Thine Eyes

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Lost in the woods of thine brown eyes, I adore mine reflection there,
Never been able to treasure thyself before, no amount of appreciation would let go,
Who thought I'd smile like a fool, In reverse to how thou give thee butterflies all along.
Thou became mine cocoon, I'll be admiring losing my whol'st empire through thine eyes.
Thou art mine yellow in thine daisy, the brightest core.
Through my looped songs, I adore thee endlessly.
I admire how we let each other loose, solely trusting we won't lose each other.
This is thy state of happiness, which thou behold.
Ears yearn to hear thee,
But not a word uttered from thine lips,
Often thine eyes speak to mine in grace, and as long as I think, mine wishes are graciously granted by thy heaven's conspiracy, I pray.
You aren't acknowledged yet, thou live in thy heart for longest, till thy eternal days.
I thank thee, for always rescuing me anytime from insanity.
Thine affection holds thee tight, in these cold nights of the heaven's above.
They say, nights, and days are of the great universe,
But all I say, thou art my whole universe.

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