Mirror And The Manhood Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Mirror And The Manhood

Imagine one wielding a tape,
Mocking to measure your manhood,
Awkward moments, hard to escape,
Manhood in hand you feel no good.

Or a granny who's seen it all
Peering down, and menacingly
Threatening barest truth to call,
Wet behind ears you're all at sea.

Another woman— a kill-joy
Stares with Peeping Tom's attitude,
Ready your repute to destroy,
And you just watch— a helpless prude.

Holding a magnifying glass,
Trying what easy can't be seen,
Another— cruel-looking lass
Oh mocks at the pathetic scene.

To shame you given half a chance,
All this in mail-room pee-mirror
Unleashing a reign of terror
You the sufferer in a trance!

Imagine a six-foot tall man
In a place lacking solitude,
Worried what one thinks of his manhood—
He bundles off before began.

One more hunk— sucker if you ask,
Muses on a hot gasping girl,
Her visage turns to mocking twirl,
He hardly can complete his task.

Mirror, mirror oh on a wall,
Known art thou in fairness to call,
Let me tell you: this is no good—
This attitude on my manhood!
Imagine mirrors in a man's public convenience, one in front reflecting the picture on the wall behind with a woman mocking at the man and a ditty along side dwelling on her thoughts. Imagine how difficult would it be to complete the task in hand!
Tongue-in-cheek | 08.11.15 |

Thursday, May 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: humour,laughter,mirror
Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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