Miscarriage - You came too soon:
With so much love we you did form
Our passion stronger than a summer storm
You were made by us with so much love
We ordered you from heaven above
Deep inside her you start to form
I feel I know you before you are born
Only A few months and then we`ll meet
We`ll hold you close and kiss your feet
We will help you and teach you all we know
We will run and Laugh as we watch you grow
But now it seems you will not stay
You`ve come too soon this tragic way
The tears she cries flow like rain
Nothing I can say will ease her pain
Our child we lost gone before the start
You`ve left us both with a broken heart
It just seems to be a crying shame
You will never even have a name
So many years have now gone by
But still in our hearts for you we cry
We will miss you forever my beautiful soul
Even though you were never made whole
this child lived inside your womb, and may have been taken much too soon, but the lord had a reason for this. and all that he does, maybe he saw that this child needed much more love. but whatever the reason for his decision, it makes you stronger as a person. excellent write and topic
this poem almost made me cry...i love it it has a great purpose...just absolutely wonderful...
Wow that was really good. And I am sorry for your lost no matter how long ago it was. One of my good friends just lost her child and so I can only imagine how much it many hurt.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
whoa that was way better then anything I wrote