Even though you hurt me, I you forgive
I am the only reason that you live
My pulse now weakens with every day
Stop killing me, this I pray
You sexy thing, you have my heart
You stole it from me, right at the start
When we first met, that was it for me
Madly in love, forever I’d be
I love you babe with all my heart
Never from you do I want to part
If I had the power I would stop time
So that forever I could call you mine
If poetry was a brush
And my words were my paint
Let your mind be your eyes
Let the strokes of my words feed your soul
What will our souls reveal
If the layers back you peal
People only the surface see
And not what inside may be
My heart aces as I start to sigh
I`m losing you again and I don`t know why
My soul is crushed my heart is broken
All these emotions that were never spoken
From deep inside it starts to brew
As it in your tummy passes through
Then at times it just can’t stop
When out the back it just seems to pop
Miscarriage - You came too soon:
With so much love we you did form
Our passion stronger than a summer storm
Echo`s in my head
Of Words I never said
Lips that move but utter no sound
Unspoken memories racing around
You hold my hand as we walk along
Our souls to each other do sing a song
Of passion and love they do sing
And amazing moments they do bring
How do you catch a mouse
Who thinks he`s really smart
Now that he`s moved into my house
He refuses to depart
You dance around but have no beat
Giving off your burning heat
Swaying – lapping forth to and fro
Consuming all as you go
Of all the nursery rhymes been told
Some just never seem to get old
From penokio`s nose that grew when he told a lie
To the little old lady who swallowed a fly
From deep underground I start unseen
Cool spring water fresh and clean
My only life not visible to the eye
I start to flow, as if the earth did cry
Early in the morning the sun slowly up does creep
All in the meanwhile we just seem to sleep
All the little birds sit and their songs they chirp
While off to work quickly our coffee we slurp
We get on the bed without any clothes
Our bare bodies to each other we expose
As you lye here in front of me
Your naked body i love to see
So many broken hearts I see
Broken hearts that need to be free
Troubled souls out in the cold
Darkened clouds over them hold
Searing heat, the land you fry
Unquenched thirst, you suck it dry
Your belly rumbles, consuming space
More intensely, quickening your pace
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I`m Dying Slowly-My Desperate Plea
Even though you hurt me, I you forgive
I am the only reason that you live
My pulse now weakens with every day
Stop killing me, this I pray
With so much love I do you support
But all you do is cut my life short
If there was ever balance it was made by me
But you have upset it, can’t you see
Many things I’ve given you to set you free
But instead you choose, you are killing me
Without me you can`t carry on
No matter what you did, you would not last long
With so much violence you taunt my soul
You burrow inside just like a mole
The things created long ago, no longer there
The pain I’m feeling is becoming too much to bare
From deep inside you suck me dry
And with your toxic fumes you pollute my sky
All around me the trees they wither
As you carve them down with every slither
I ask you I beg, I’m on my knees
You are killing me, stop it please
You fill my veins with toxic things
The end result only tragedy brings
My moods are changing, can`t you see
That by your actions you are killing me
I`ve given birth to so many beautiful things
But now mostly only pain it brings
I desperate message to you I send
Stop killing me, it`ll be your end
My body exploited by I don`t know who
O wait I see now, I think it`s you
The time is coming to draw my final breath
For all to stop and accept my death
Such a beautiful place that I have made
My only wish is that I could have stayed
I was here long before your birth
But now I’m dying slowly, your planet earth
Loved 'Bager'. You write very descriptive poems. Keep up the good work. Ms. Caroline
niice poemz: : keep writing u have a gift: :